What’s the difference?
Does it matter?
Let’s face it, we all have wishes. Small children live in a wish and “I want” world. The very young have trouble distinguishing the difference in these things; however, as we grow and mature, or as our children grow and mature, we should start distinguishing the differences.
Wish… a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable, or a want for something that cannot or probably will not happen
“I wish I would win the 75 million dollar lottery.” The odds are almost impossible, but most definitely impossible for me, a person who does not buy lottery tickets! It’s just a fantasy wish.
Dream…a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal
Dreams are amazing! They are what inspire us to greater heights. Most great things that come about start as someone’s dream. We have all dreamed! So, what makes one dream come to fruition and the next one nothing but a dream? Action! Dreams without action are nothing more than thoughts.
Goal setting is the way to put action to those dreams. Setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound goals will move that dream into reality. Keeping in mind that one should also set short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals will also help to keep you on track and encouraged. If we only look at the long-term goals, we will easily give up because it seems too hard and too far away. Likewise, if we only focus on short-term goals, we may never reach for greater heights.
Are you ready to stop wishing and start dreaming? Are you ready to put some action into those dreams that have already been on your heart and mind?
Set a realistic goal today! Then when you meet it, set the next one… and the next one… and the next…
Remember to enlist a band of supporters to help you keep moving forward. You got this!